The Board

Darcy Creswell - President
Tobin was my only son and my best friend. I’m sure I did things before he was born but honestly I have no idea what they were. He taught me more than I could ever have taught him. He brought more joy to my life and those around him than I could ever have imagined. His quick wit and sarcasm made me laugh harder than anyone ever could, no matter the circumstance. His incredible spirit was infectious, and he always brought out good things in people, people of all sizes, shapes, ages and colors. When he realized he didn’t have much time and wanted to open a non-profit, it was really no surprise – that’s just who he was. Maybe he know all of us needed something to keep us busy as well. He was with us to see his foundation take shape, and for that I will be forever thankful. I promised him I would keep it growing. I feel I’m doing good work, accomplishing important things, when working with “We’ll get this!”.
I am honored to have been Tobin’s mom, and I am grateful for every moment we spent together – both laughing and crying. People throw the word “amazing” around, but Tobin continually amazed me, and I will always do anything in my power to honor his legacy.
I will never be amazing, but I’ll be true to Tobin.
Jill Pearsall - Vice President
Born in Montana and having grown up in the Pacific Northwest, Jill Pearsall moved to Texas from Los Angeles several years after graduating from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture. She is a licensed architect in Texas and California and holds a certificate from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). Her move to Texas in 1996 was spurred solely by the desire to be closer to her family and to be part of Tobin's life as his "favorite" aunt. Her employment since 2002 at Texas Children's Hospital, and her husband Mark's employment there as well, was a critical synergy for Tobin's care over his 10 year battle with cancer. The compassionate and caring Texas Children's family supported Jill, Tobin and his entire family through his treatments.
Hanh Tran - Executive Board Member
"Make a Difference NOW!" - Tobin Creswell July 5, 1996 - May 2, 2017